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Zuhause Spiele IMVU
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IMVU is an online social game where members use 3D avatars to meet new people, chat, create and share clothes with their friends.

Escape to IMVU - live amazing virtual life in an amazing virtual world. You can even get married and adopt cute virtual babies!

Shop and dress up in style - fashion is flourishing in IMVU. Here you will be able to design your own outfits, and even sell them to other players.

Create your own fantasy, live the life of your dream - it is time to join IMVU! IMVU Revue

Gebundene Blog-Eingänge

Mittwoch, November 19, 2014

Gorgeous Wedding in IMVU

Gorgeous Wedding in IMVU IMVU is a brilliant place full of amazing clothes, fashions and places to hang out, but you can also find weddings taking place, and this is a beautiful one. Mehr lessen
Donnerstag, Juli 11, 2013

Neues Spiel ist hinzugefügt: IMVU

Beautiful models in IMVU Change your look in IMVU Buy clothes for your avatar in IMVU IMVU is an online social game where members use 3D avatars to meet new people, chat, create and share clothes with their friends.

Escape to IMVU - live amazing virtual life in an amazing virtual world. You can even get married and adopt cute virtual babies!

Shop and dress up in style - fashion is flourishing in IMVU. Here you will be able to design your own outfits, and even sell them to other players.

Create your own fantasy, live the life of your dream - it is time to join IMVU!
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